Ella - I feel pretty happy that we made them.
Saihaj - I think they are pretty cool.
Giselle - When I was making them I felt like I was in Ancient Egypt.
Gigi - They look so cool, they look like they are from Egypt.
Poppy - I'm gonna cry because they are so cool...
Farah - I had so much fun making them. I want to make them again.
Solana - I really want to make another one because I love feeling the clay and seeing what I have created.
Charlie - I want to make as many as I can because they are amazing.
Anya - When I grow up now I want to be an Egyptian pot maker.
Mia-Rose - When I was making it I felt like I was in Ancient Egypt.
Harrison - I like it because I like the feel of the clay.
Milana - I like mine even if it is broken.
Jayden - I really want to make a lot of them when I grow up so I can give them to my family.