Friday, 5 July 2013

dirty knees...

It is the season for mud and rain.  The kids in Room 1 love to run and play, however, the grounds are muddy...

So, what happens is that the children come in with filthy, little, smelly, muddy, dirty revolting knees.  Here is a picture of some knees on a not too dirty day but still pretty muddy:

We need to bring extra long pants to cover our shorts when we go out to play on the grass.  This is how we can respect our school envirnonment. 

Don't play on the grass with just your uniform shorts because when we touch things in our class they will get dirty.  We could get books dirty, the carpet will get muddy as well as our other furniture.  Our class will smell like mud, which is not very good. 

Thank  you for bringing extra pants!

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Going bananas!

Hi everyone!  We are nearly at the end of Term 2, and we are working hard on maths and reading, and our written language has moved on in leaps and bounds.  Many children in the class are beginning to group ideas together and include more specific and interesting detail.  This is establishing the idea of paragraphing, which the children are familiar with through their reading.  Brilliant stuff, I am very impressed.

On the banana front, we have some dangling from our ceiling beam.  Giselle calls them "banana chandeliers", which is perfect!  There is a good harvest this year, with five good sized bunches - one of which is still growing.  A couple of years ago we had someone sneak in on the weekend and take them, so I didn't want to leave them all out for too long.  Mr Ted and Mrs Franklin-Smith cut them down for us. 
All going well they will ripen at the beginning of next term, and we can do some baking. Banana recipes, anyone?
We also have a great time with our buddy class, who are now coming on Wednesday afternoons.  Here are some photos of what they do after the spelling test is over...