Thursday, 28 March 2013

Thinking positively

Dr Seuss is such a philospher!  The year 2 syndicate worked together to come up with ideas for the future...
Remember the permission slips for the Pacific programme at the Aotea Centre.  We went last year and it was a lot of fun!
Happy Easter!

Thursday, 21 March 2013

Classroom visits...

This afternoon we had an unexpected visitor of the feathered variety.  A very friendly piwakawaka came in, and seemed to enjoy flitting in and around the roof beams.  It stayed in for about 10 minutes, then flew out.  The children were quiet observers, and the bird did not appear stressed at all.

With our taonga theme we will certainly be thinking about personal, local and global treasures, but we did not think that one would come in to see us! 

We are in the best part of the school though.  I am waiting for the kingfishers to arrive again...

And treasure of another kind, Poppy brought this in for her News Report this morning.  The board was part of their wall, removed for renovation, and covered with images from old magazines or newspapers.  It was neat to be able to see it, so thanks Poppy!

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Blog catch up...

Boy oh boy, I am not a seasoned blogger!

Never mind, here we go...

So far this term, we have been swimming at the Parnell Baths, and experienced wearing life jackets - cold and wet but very bouyant!  Some of us even went in the big pool to jump off the diving board!  Walking down through the cemetery was lovely, such a gorgeous view.

We have also been to the art gallery, where we looked at landscapes, and we have been learning about specific techniques like overlapping, perspective and colour changes to show depth. 
It was fun, and amazing too! - Ella and Mia-Rose.
We also went to see the flowers in Albert Park - Dreo.
For our art we different coloured stripes like Gretchen Albrecht - Harrison.

We are drawing our own landscapes at school, where we will be applying what we have discovered to our own art works.  Painting our own houses will be interesting too.
Next week we are holding the first of our triadic conferences.  I will meet with you and your child to discuss progress and achievement twice throughout this year. 
Thanks, Ms Werder and Room 1.